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Will never allow women to compete in his organization: Fans call out Khabib

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Calendar Icon25 August 2022

Former UFC Champion Khabib Nurmagomedov recently made headlines with his comments about bookmakers. The Russian MMA superstar noted that he will not be associated with sponsorships from bookmakers for Eagle FC.

He detailed that bookmakers are more dangerous than alcohol.

“We have plenty of good sponsors that we work with and put on events. We don’t need bookmakers. I believe that gambling is more dangerous than alcohol. I think it’s worse to advertise gambling more than alcohol. Bookmakers ruin entire families. How many young guys go on their sites, stay on them, and become addicted?,” Khabib noted.

While the stance from Khabib has earned him praise from many fans, a portion of the fans also called out the fact that Khabib is against women fighting in MMA.

“Khabib’s righteous stance will also never allow women to compete in his organisation. Food for thought before we give him a ‘good guy’ badge to wear,” A twitter user (@the_Inside_Word) noted on his twitter while sharing the clip from Eagle FC.

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Another user on the microblogging platform agreed with Khabib’s take on Bookmakers while reminding everyone of his thoughts on women.

“I don't agree with his thoughts on women, but I do strongly agree with his thoughts on gambling companies,” the user (@theJivemaster) noted.

Similar content and memes floated around the social media site in response to the comments from Khabib.

Khabib and Women Fighters

A few months back, Khabib Nurmagomedov noted that there are not many good women fighters out there which is the reason why Eagle FC does not have a women’s division.

He had also made headlines for noting that ring girls are not required for the sport of MMA which made fighters like Valentina Shevchenko raise voices against him.

One of the most controversial comments from Khabib came years back when he said that Alcohol and girls stand in the way of athletes.

What do you think of Khabib’s stand on women? Let us know in the comment section of the article below


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