The Russia-Ukraine conflict has been at the center of World headlines. Harrowing stories are coming out of Ukraine which has been hit by the Invasion of Russia and the latest video to come out is that of Boxing world champion Wladimir Klitschko who noted that there is no life for Ukrainian People.
"I'm at the main train station in Kyiv, Ukraine. All those kids and people are those who have lost their houses. It's happening in cities like Kyiv, that have been destroyed by the Russian army. They're just trying to find shelter and get a roof above their heads, and flee for the west,” he said.
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He further went on to note in his tweet that people should continue to support Ukraine.
“This is all, there is no life for the Ukrainian people: seeking any shelter after Russian army bombarded their cities and destroyed their homes and they lost everything. Dreading the alarms announcing new attacks. Please keep on helping!” he wrote. You can see the video below.
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Russia began an invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, in an escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian War that began in 2014. It is the largest conventional military attack in Europe since World War II.
This is all, there is no life for the Ukrainian people: seeking any shelter after Russian army bombarded their cities and destroyed their homes and they lost everything. Dreading the alarms announcing new attacks. Please keep on helping!#FreeUkraine #WeAreAllUkrainians
— Klitschko (@Klitschko) March 13, 2022