We need a normal life: Surbala Laishram calls for Peace in Manipur

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon19 Feb 2024

In the electrifying atmosphere of Warrior’s Dream Series 6, amidst the thunderous applause and adrenaline-fueled excitement, Manipur's own Surbala Laishram emerged not only as a victorious athlete but also as a passionate advocate for peace and justice in her homeland.

In a heartfelt speech following her lightning-fast victory over Radha Gupta, Surbala seized the moment to shed light on the harrowing situation gripping Manipur.

“For almost one year in Manipur, we have a very bad condition. People are dying, people are burning houses and the government side also did not help. We need help, we need peace and we want a normal life. Lot of people are troubled in this situation, So. I want to say, please raise your voice for Manipur. We need peace and we want justice,” Surbala noted in an emotional post-fight speech.

The genesis of the violence, stemming from tensions between the Meitei populace concentrated in the Imphal Valley and the Kuki-Zo tribal community inhabiting the surrounding hills has led to a staggering toll on human life and infrastructure.

According to official reports, the casualty count has risen to 175, with over a thousand individuals sustaining injuries and numerous others reported missing. The widespread destruction includes the burning of thousands of residences and the desecration of religious sites, culminating in the displacement of over 70,000 individuals.

Laishram's address, delivered against the backdrop of her triumph in the MMA arena, underscored the urgent need for assistance, peace, and a return to normalcy in Manipur.

As a former GAMMA MMA World Champion, Laishram's stature within the sporting community affords her a platform from which to amplify her message. Her deliberate choice to utilize this platform to draw attention to the plight of her homeland demonstrates a commendable commitment to leveraging her influence for the greater good.


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