Shantanu Pujari hopes to make MMA champions from the slums of Mumbai

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon30 Apr 2021

Indian MMA Fighter Shantanu Pujari is on a mission to create MMA champions from the slums of Mumbai.

It was with Muay-Thai that Shantanu’s career in Combat Sports started. He went on to win National level competitions in the discipline before trying his hand in MMA. With competition experience of years on his resume, he is now planning to give back to society with his new project through which he hopes to make Martial Arts accessible to people in the slums of Mumbai. His foundation, called SADA ANAND FOUNDATION is currently in collaboration with Akash Dhangar, who is the man behind a hip hop school in Dharavi along with Slum Gods, which is a Hip Hop Collective.

“Creating MMA fighters from the slum areas where people have an immense fighting spirit within them [is the mission]. Slums are good playgrounds where you can get so many talented people and hungry kids who want to learn extraordinary things, their hunger of learning makes them unstoppable,” Shantanu said in an exclusive statement.

He sees Parallels in Hip Hop and Fighting. The way in which hip hop has become accessible, Shantanu hopes that he could make Martial arts accessible to people in the slums that need it.

“Hip Hop has taken over the slum populations every people listen to rap, kids are aware of hip-hop and elements. And it all started when there was nothing it was a small start at the beginning and now hip-hop has made fame & fortune for many in the Indian hip-hop scene. It's is time to put the sees of fighting lifestyle as it has positive things life and social well being. There is no bad in martial arts and we feel that should be easily accessible to the people who need it most same like HipHop,” he added.

The project, interestingly, is not limited to Martial Arts. Shantanu understands the importance of basic education and plans to impart the same along with the MMA Classes.

“Through this project, we aim to get fighters out of the slums and make them well rounded get them basic education and then martial education. We hope to give them a bright future in a life full of darkness,” he noted.

What do you think of the project from Shantanu? Let us know in the comment section of the article below.

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