Combat Studio Productions has released an exciting documentary featuring the journey of Surya Sagar towards becoming the first WBC Muay-Thai India champion.
The documentary captures Surya’s days prior to the title fight, the title fight along with quotes from the WBC Muay-Thai India’s Vaibhav Shetty and Vikram Nagaraj along with Fraggingmonk Promotions team. You can watch the complete video from Combat Studio Productions below.
For the uninitiated, Surya became the first WBC Muay-Thai India champion back at Fraggingmonk Fight Night 2 in September 2021 when he stopped Basavesh in the first round to claim the title. An established name in the Indian Muay-Thai circuit, Surya had competed nationally and internationally prior to the title win.
ALSO READ | Surya Sagar of India enters WBC Muay-Thai World Rankings for Super Lightweight
After his win, we managed to catch up with Surya to talk about his Muay-Thai journey as well and you can watch the interview from the Muay-Thai Diaries series below.
What do you think of the documentary from Combat Studio Productions? Let us know in the comment section of the article below.
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