BJJ Blue Belt Requirement for Police: Michigan Representative introduces bill

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon02 Jun 2021

With demands for police reform rising in the United States, Michigan representative Ryan Berman has put forward the bill which proposes a requirement of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Blue belt for Police Officers.

A member of the Michigan House of Representatives from District 39, Ryan Barman suggests that Police Officers should at least hold a blue belt ranking in BJJ in House Bill 4525.

“It’s really to help them so these situations don’t happen, so they don’t use unnecessary force, and they will have more tools in their toolbox, if you will, to handle any situation that arises. So then they don’t have to use excessive force. They don’t have to punch someone 15 times to submit,” Berman noted.

The bill is among the 11 Police reforms that are currently making their way through the legislation. Personalities like Joe Rogan have been vocal about the introduction of such a bill for some time now. During one of the episodes of his podcast, he had noted that police officers should have Purple Belt in Jiu-Jitsu while agreeing to the suggestion made by politician Andrew Yang.

Around two to three years on average is required for a person to reach a blue-belt level in BJJ and it would be interesting to see how such a huge overhaul will be handled if the bill becomes active.

Last year, the Marietta Police Department had come up with a similar program and started training their officers in Jiu-Jitsu as well.

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