The 2020 Asian Boxing Championship is heading to India later this year. The announcement was made by Boxing Federation of India President Ajay Singh who initially shared the news with the stakeholders before sharing it on Twitter.
BFI Executive director RK Sacheti later spoke to the Press Trust of India and provided further details. He noted that the Federation is yet to come up with a host city and that the event will be organized at the end of the year.
"It is an extraordinary situation no doubt, but we are all hoping for this to be brought under control by June. Then another three-four months will go into resuming normal activities, If things can start rolling elsewhere, we can also conduct the (Asian) Championship. That's why we haven't zeroed in on a host city right now. That discussion will have to wait until the end of the lockdown,” Sacheti noted.
The news serves as another big boost for the Indian Boxing scene which recently saw a record nine boxers qualifying for the Tokyo Olympics.