Girl Delete this: Fans demand Polyana Viana after her post about UFC 303

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon30 Jun 2024

UFC star Polyana Viana stirred up a storm on social media following her post after Alex Pereira's victory at UFC 303. The Brazilian fighter, known for her strong presence both inside and outside the octagon, shared a photo that left fans buzzing and demanding clarification about her relationship with Pereira.

In the photo, Viana is seen wearing a T-shirt with the bold statement, "I'm his favorite EX," while a UFC 303 poster is prominently displayed in the background. The caption accompanying the post reads "CHAMA" and "AND STILL," both references to Pereira, adding fuel to the speculation about their relationship status.

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Viana and Pereira were previously known to be in a relationship, but the current status of their relationship remains ambiguous. The post has led to a flurry of comments from fans, with many seeking clarity and some expressing their confusion and curiosity.


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