Indian Boxing star L Sarita Devi has tested positive for COVID-19. Sarita’s husband Thoiba Singh has also tested positive for the virus when their son, Tomthin was tested negative.
"Me and Sarita have tested positive. We are right now moving to a COVID-19 care facility. Both of us have no symptoms at all and I don't see any reason to panic. I have no idea how this infection caught us. I think we were taking all precautions. But hopefully, it is going to be all right. We will recover soon. I am just relieved that Tomthin has tested negative," Thoiba Singh noted to PTI.
A former bronze medal winner at the Asian Games, Sarita is the second Indian boxer to test positive for COVID-19 after Dingko Singh. Dingko Singh had earlier recovered from the virus and is now undergoing treatment for cancer which he was diagnosed with prior to being tested positive for COVID-19.
The 38-year-old Sarita Devi is one of the most decorated boxers from India having won the gold medal at the Asian Championships on Five occasions. She also has a Commonwealth Silver Medal in her resume as well.
Image Courtesy: News 18