GAMMA signs multi-year agreement with International Testing Agency

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon22 Nov 2020

In its steps of advocating a clean sport, GAMMA (The Global Association of Mixed Martial Arts) has announced that it has signed a multi-year contract with the option of extension with the International Testing Agency (ITA). ITA will oversee all of GAMMA’s anti-doping programme, including In-Competition testing, Results management, Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE), Risk Assessment, Test Distribution Planning (TDP), and compliance management.

Furthermore, the ITA will review and support GAMMA in the process of updating its anti-doping rules to ensure alignment with the WADA policies.

As part of the agreement, ITA will also roll out an education programme for GAMMA athletes and relevant stakeholders. GAMMA is working towards full integration of anti-doping education within the digital platform of GAMMA.

“By signing the agreement we show that the sport of MMA welcomes an independent body for doping controls and sanctioning. With the ITA agreement, GAMMA can ensure the independency of the program, but more importantly, it shows its determination to fight against doping. Through ITA we have the highest level of expertise on clean sport available. This is the first step to facilitate synergies with other mixed martial arts promotions to promote harmonised anti-doping efforts under the ITA umbrella. Promotions have with the ITA – GAMMA agreement now a solution”, said GAMMA President Alexander Engelhardt.

“The ITA has a broad expertise in managing anti-doping programs for combat sports. As part of our mandate to fight doping independently, we stand ready to support any organisation with its anti-doping efforts. We look forward to assisting GAMMA and providing them with the needed expertise and independence to establish a robust anti-doping program.”, noted ITA Director General Benjamin Cohen.

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