In a dramatic turn of events, BRAVE Combat Federation has revealed a significant alteration to its much-anticipated France card. The globally renowned MMA organization will now feature Anthony Dizy, stepping in on short notice, to face the formidable four-time combat sambo world champion, Vladyslav Rudniev, in an electrifying Lightweight bout. This showdown has been elevated to the co-main event status for BRAVE CF 74, scheduled for September 7th at the H Arena in Nantes.
Dizy's addition comes as a replacement for Axel Sola, who regrettably had to withdraw from the event. For Anthony Dizy, this marks his debut in the esteemed BRAVE Combat Federation.
At 35 years old, Dizy boasts an impressive professional MMA record of 15 wins and 4 losses. Currently riding a two-fight winning streak, he showcased his prowess in his most recent outing in June, securing a unanimous decision victory against Roger Garcia at Hexagone MMA 9. Notably, Hexagone MMA is co-promoting the upcoming event on September 7th.
Dizy, known as "La Masse," faces a formidable challenge in his inaugural BRAVE CF appearance. His opponent, Vladyslav Rudniev, holds the distinction of being the most decorated combat sambo fighter in Ukrainian history. Rudniev, also making his debut with the promotion on September 7th, is enthusiastic about delivering an electrifying performance and kicking off his BRAVE CF journey with a resounding bang.
As the excitement continues to build around BRAVE CF 74, MMA fans can anticipate an enthralling co-main event between Dizy and Rudniev, as both fighters aim to leave an indelible mark on their debut with the globally acclaimed MMA organization.