WATCH: Fireside Chats on Boxing in India Round 3 ? Sports and Media

LockerRoom Team
Calendar Icon09 Aug 2020

Fireside Chats on Boxing in India by Boxing Council India and Club Fights rolled out the third-round last day and covered the topic of Sports and Media.

The chat featured renowned sports commentators Anupam Gulati and Milind Wagle who talked about the various aspects of Media in the sporting world and how it plays a crucial role in the growth and sustainment of a sport. The chat was moderated by Abhishek Dubey as well.

You can watch the complete episode below.

Earlier, Fireside Chats on Boxing in India hosted the first episode featuring the likes of International wrestler Sangram U Singh, Olympian boxer and Arjuna Awardee Dharmendra Singh Yadav, Sports Physiotherapist  Arvind Yadav and Sports Medicine Expert Dr Saranjeet Singh while the second episode saw Indian Boxing Star Vikas Krishan Yadav as a guest.


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